
Market Research

Experts from a wide variety of fields partner with you to conduct purposeful and meaningful research.

Digital Qualitative Research
Web and Mobile Diary
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Methodology Expertise

Web and Mobile Diary

Through the use of web diaries, we can gain an in-depth understanding of someone’s lifestyle and behavioral patterns. We are able to gather data on purchase behavior and actual product usage in real-time. Respondents are able to talk about points of dissatisfaction as well as ideas for new products.

Depending on the nature of the project, we make use of text, pictures, and audio/video communications to collect data.

Hankook Research has independently developed MobileCX. This software solution allows respondents to report back about consumer experiences, behaviors, and feelings in real-time via their mobile devices. This tool gives us real-time, instantaneous access to data.

Web and Mobile Diary
Online Community
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Methodology Expertise

Online Community

From within our Master Sample pool, highly-qualified respondents provide their opinions and then are able to comment on others’ opinions via a closed SNS environment known as Buzz Plaza. This platform allows us to filter out nonsensical and meaningless chatter seen on virtually all SNS platforms. It leaves us with pure and sincere feedback that we can then analyze.

The Buzz Plaza is particularly useful when client projects call for tight online security and confidentiality. The Buzz Plaza has the following 4 key elements:

  • 1. Because it is a closed SNS platform, we are able to gather honest and sincere feedback
  • 2. It analyzes entire phrases/sentences, not just keywords
  • 3. respondents have a positive/negative response to a buzz word, buzz phrase, or trend
  • 4. The ability to run multiple simulations in order to get a better read on initial consumer reactions
Online Workshop
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Methodology Expertise

Online Workshop

COVID-19 brought about the need to conduct contact-free online workshops. This includes Creative Workshops, Expert Forums, etc. Online workshops are not simply a substitute for offline workshops. Online workshops are unique in that they allow for people to participate from anywhere in the world. They also have the following distinct characteristics:

1. Because people can participate from anywhere in the world, the cost and time necessary to run an online workshop is vastly reduced

2. Typical offline workshops run 1-2 days. Online workshops can run anywhere from 1 week to 1 month. This gives participants the time to provide in-depth feedback and engage in lively conversations and brain-storming. Hyper Rapid Iterations take place and this allows for meaningful insights and feedback.

3. Online workshops need to be run in a completely different manner than offline workshops. Moderating skills, communication know-how, respondent management, data collection, data analysis, and software tools specific to the online workshop space are necessary. Hankook Research began conducting expert workshops and lead user dynamic workshops online long before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we have the experience and know-how to ensure that our clients’ online workshops run smooth and efficiently.

Contract-Free Research Methodologies
Contact-Free Interviews
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Methodology Expertise

Contact-Free Interviews

Advancements in technology and platforms have led to widespread use of video-conferencing. This was all the more accelerated with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only has contact-free interviews replaced research methods that were once thought only possible with face-to-face meetings with respondents but it also provides independent, unforeseen, and distinct added benefits.

Contact-free interviews allow us to recruit respondents, conduct interviews, observe, and report back to clients – all without ever coming into direct contact with any respondents.

Contact-free interviews free us from the traditional limitations of time and locale. They allow us to execute quickly and reach out to respondents repeatedly (iteration). Contact-free interviews allow us to collect a wide assortment of data and allow our clients to observe on-going interviews in real-time – all with no limits on the number of viewers.

Contact-Free FGDs
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Methodology Expertise

Contact-Free FGDs

Advancements in technology and platforms have led to widespread use of video-conferencing. This was all the more accelerated with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only has contact-free interviews replaced research methods that were once thought only possible with face-to-face meetings with respondents but it also provides independent, unforeseen, and distinct added benefits.

Contact-free FGDs allow us to recruit participants, moderate discussions, observe, and report back to clients – all without ever coming into direct contact with any respondents.

Contact-free FGDs free us from the traditional limitations of time and locale. They free respondents from the burden of having to show up in person and allow respondents to participate from a comfortable environment/setting. This leads to participants providing honest and insightful responses. Contact-free FGDs allow us to collect a wide assortment of data (oral statements, written statements, images, videos, etc.) and allow our clients to observe on-going interviews in real-time – all with no limits on the number of viewers.

Contact-Free Home Visits
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Methodology Expertise

Contact-Free Home Visits

Advancements in technology and platforms have led to widespread use of video-conferencing. This was all the more accelerated with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only has contact-free interviews replaced research methods that were once thought only possible with face-to-face meetings with respondents but it also provides independent, unforeseen, and distinct added benefits.

Contact-free Home Visits allow us to recruit participants, visit homes, conduct interviews, observe, and report back to clients – all without ever coming into direct contact with any respondents.

The most significant benefit to contact-free home visits is the fact that respondents do not have to let an unfamiliar moderator and observers into their homes. Rather, respondents can broadcast from the comfort of their own homes using hand-held cameras. We’ve found that this leads to participants giving us more honest and in-depth responses and comments. At times, we also see entire families interacting with one another during a contact-free home visit.

Contact-Free Gang Surveys
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Methodology Expertise

Contact-Free Gang Surveys

Advancements in technology and platforms have led to widespread use of video-conferencing. This was all the more accelerated with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only has contact-free interviews replaced research methods that were once thought only possible with face-to-face meetings with respondents but it also provides independent, unforeseen, and distinct added benefits.

Contact-free Gang Surveys allow us to recruit participants, conduct surveys, observe, and report back to clients – all without ever coming into direct contact with any respondents.

The most significant benefit to contact-free gang surveys is the fact that participants are able to reply from a comfortable and familiar setting like their living rooms. We’ve found that this leads to participants giving us more honest and in-depth responses. We’re also able to manage gang surveys in real-time and provide results of contact-free gang surveys in real-time.

Big Data and Analytics
Retail Big Data and Analytics
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Methodology Expertise

Retail Big Data and Analytics

Hankook Research, through its use of its eMarket Sensor, provides data on a weekly/monthly basis to clients concerning online retail market share and marketing strategies.

The eMarket Sensor collects data on the sales volume of products being sold via ecommerce platforms in Korea. This data serves as the foundation for assessing product competitiveness, product status, and developing effective marketing strategies.

The eMarket Sensor is a data service that provides a wealth of information about price, promotion, distribution strategies, product positioning, and marketing strategies of online retail sales. The eMarket Sensor has been collecting data from a variety of industries including cosmetics, food, beverage, daily needs, and consumer electronics. The eMarket Sensor has been deployed in Korea, China, and certain parts of Southeast Asia. We intend to grow its reach in the coming years.

Retail Big Data and Analytics
Social Big Data and Analytics
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Methodology Expertise

Social Big Data and Analytics

This service collects, refines, analyzes, and interprets vast amounts of data about brands, products, the shopping experience, purchases, and after-purchase customer service

This data is collected from SNS platforms, blogs, online cafes, news outlets, media outlets, forums, and online communities in over 200 countries and more than 80 languages. Artificial intelligence is used extensively to comb through this mountain of data. Powerful insights, interpretations, and valuable ideas are extracted and presented in meaningful ways.

Social Big Data and Analytics
Digital Passive Behavioral Data (1) – OTT broadcast ratings panel
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Methodology Expertise

Digital Passive Behavioral Data (1) – OTT broadcast ratings panel

Hankook Research has established something we call the DLifeLog panel. Participants of this panel have installed the “Hankook Research AudienceMeter” app on their mobile devices. This app tracks usage of OTT (Over-the-Top) apps such as YouTube, Netflix, Waibo, and TVing. It also tracks the content being viewed. Our AudienceMeter app allows us to understand and analyze the domestic OTT market. In cooperation with research partners around the world, we extend this understanding to many foreign countries. We collect and analyze an enormous amount of data about usage of online VOD, shopping, and web surfing.

Digital Passive Behavioral Data (1) – OTT broadcast ratings panel
Digital Passive Behavioral Data (2) – Triggered Survey
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Methodology Expertise

Digital Passive Behavioral Data (2) – Triggered Survey

After receiving permission from mobile research participants, Hankook Research is able to send out buyer surveys to participants who have just purchased an item using a credit card. These surveys allow us to evaluate the retail outlet customer experience as well as any customer feedback.

Digital Passive Behavioral Data (2) – Triggered Survey

Additionally, it is possible to match an exact store with an exact customer using GPS tag data that is sent out with text messages.

Digital Passive Behavioral Data (2) – Triggered Survey
Syndicated Research
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Methodology Expertise


TGI (Target Group Index): media usage, lifestyle and consumer behavior research

We interview over 10,000 Korean consumers in the 13-69 age range for our Target Group Index. It allows us to examine the media usage, lifestyles, and product purchase behaviors of a large cross-section of Korean consumers.

syndicate: TGI(Target Group Index)

MRS (Metro Radio Study): Metro area radio channels and listener ratings, radio listening behaviors

We compile the MRS by conducting over 3,000 CATI (computer aided telephone interviews) with respondents in the 13-69 age range. This study helps radio stations plan their programming schedules and it helps companies properly allocate radio advertising dollars.

syndicate: MRS(Metro Radio Study)
Trend Analysis
Trend Analysis
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Methodology Expertise

Trend Analysis

Hankook Research’s Trend Analysis does not make use of abstract concepts. Rather, it takes an everyday and systematic approach to identify, categorize, classify, and track trends.

In certain cases, we make use of a trend antenna panel that is composed of the right target consumer segment. This gives us the opportunity to research changes and trends over the long term. This, accompanied by desk research, aids in future product development.

Culture Code
Culture Code
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Methodology Expertise

Culture Code

Culture Code is a research methodology that understands that the way a person takes in and processes information depends heavily on the culture that the respondent lives in.

It is used heavily to study and understand consumers in another country or a newly created customer segment. We help our clients understand the mindset, mentalities, and values that go into how a consumer selects a certain product/service. Culture Code is a research methodology that many multi-national conglomerates make use of.

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Methodology Expertise


UX studies are an absolute necessity for companies as they try to lay out effective business strategies. UX studies focus on the customer experience as they use a product, service, or a space. It identifies the positive/negative aspects of the customer experience.

Hankook Research has been conducting UX studies in partnership with some of the world’s top companies for the past 20 years in the IT, mobile device, consumer electronics, automobile, media, healthcare, and gaming industries. More recently, we’ve begun conducting UX research into next-generation technology platforms such as AI, voice recognition, the metaverse, and big data.

Hankook Research operates one of the country’s most advanced UX research labs and employs over 20 UX expert consultants. We conduct over 100 UX studies yearly. These studies cover aspects like Usability Testing to identify problem areas in the user experience. Our advanced UX research solution helps clients create the best possible user experience for their customers.

Major Industries

Major Industries

  • Automobile
  • Professional services
  • IT and CE hardware
  • Gaming
  • Medical systems
  • AI
  • Product packaging
  • Applications/software
Key Aspects of UX Research

Key Aspects of UX Research

  • User diagnostics
  • UX design development
  • Upgrading the user experience
  • Establish strategies for future UX design
  • Evaluation of user experience sensitivity/usability
  • UX trend sensing
  • Maximize the efficiency of the user experience
  • VUX
Neuro Marketing
Neuro Marketing
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Methodology Expertise

Neuro Marketing

Hankook Research makes use of technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), EEG (electroencephalogram), and Eye Tracking to conduct neuro marketing studies. Neuro marketing studies measure sub-conscious reactions of consumers. This provides an even deeper understanding of target consumers.

Neuro Marketing methods are used heavily when conducting VR car clinics and consumer evaluations of TV/print advertising, POS, new store concept designs, and product packaging designs.

Neuro Marketing
Technology Sensitivity Evaluation
Technology Sensitivity Evaluation
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Methodology Expertise

Technology Sensitivity Evaluation

In today’s day and age, it is impossible to separate technology away from our everyday lives. Technology Sensitivity Evaluations are used to evaluate and improve the impact that technology has on our human senses.

We evaluate how the human senses (sight, touch, hearing, and smell) are impacted and influenced by technological products. For instance, we may evaluate the brightness of a car’s center console display (sight), the audible feedback of a car’s side markers (hearing), the buttons on a laundry machine (touch), or the brightness and color of the interior lights of a refrigerator (sight). We evaluate a company’s products in this fashion and are able to offer analysis compared to competitors’ products as well.

In order to conduct Technology Sensitivity studies, we first consult with our clients about what elements of their product, specifically, they are looking to evaluate. We then develop and execute an efficient plan evaluating that specific element.

Creative Workshop
Creative Workshop
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Methodology Expertise

Creative Workshop

HRC's Creative Workshop is fully customizable in accordance to your needs and the issues you want addressed. We have conducted a vast number of workshops using a wide variety of methods and tools. With our knowledge and experience, we design an optimal workshop program solely for you.

Creative Workshops not only provide you with specific, market-based information but also inspire you so that you develop goods and services to meet consumers' needs and desires.

Hankook Research’s creative workshops are typically conducted in the following manner:
1. Start with an examination of the consumer’s ideal lifestyle, why they were dissatisfied with products/services used in the past, and what their current needs are
2. Gain an understanding of how customers are presently using certain products/services (1st day)
3. Divide participants into sub-groups in order to facilitate ideation and brain storming. An expert illustrator accompanies each sub-group and creates physical images of any new concepts/ideas.
4. Present the new concepts that each sub-group has created. Through the process of idea shopping, evaluate participants preference levels (including opinions and reasons) for each new concept. We then discuss the how best to create and package up this new concept.

Methodology Expertise
Experts from a wide variety of fields partner with you to conduct purposeful and meaningful research.