
We have as many databases as our long history.

Hankook Research Panel

Hankook Research has Access Panel and Master Sample Panel that are representative of Korean consumers

Type Number Features
* Master Sample® 565,314households(1,695,942persons) Representative of all Korean consumers
Mobile Panel 220,035 Panel for Hankook Research’s MobileCX®
Access Panel 1,328,068 Respondent’s panel who have participated in Hankook Research’s PI & CATI
** Expert Panel 103,000 Expert panel classified with specialty topics
Total 3,347,045
* Basic Information provided by Master Sample®
Personal Demographics Household Demographics Media Behavior
  1. Name
  2. Year of birth
  3. Home phone number
  4. Mobile phone carrier
  5. Mobile phone number
  6. Office address
  7. E-mail
  8. Bank account
  1. Gender
  2. Academic background
  3. Occupation
  4. Marital status
  5. School/Company
  6. Major/Work department
  7. Job title
  8. Job title with Rank
  1. Household income
  2. Number of household members
  3. Number of children
  4. Children’s year of birth
  5. Children’s month of birth
  6. Children’s gender
  7. Housing type
  8. Home Ownership
  1. Mass Media
    • - Media exposure frequency
    • - Preferred Media Brand by Channels
  2. Online
    • - Internet carrier
    • - Usage frequency
    • - Preferred portal site
  3. SNS
    • - Joined SNS / Usage frequency / Used Device / Reason for usage
** Hankook Research Expert Panel
Type Number Characteristics
Public Policy Experts 12,250 Information on Policy Expertise
Medical Doctors 11,000 Information by Medical Specialties
Licensed Real Estate Agents 74,630 Information by Region
Corporate Managers 4,000 Corporate Managers (advertising, PR, network security & procurement)
High-end consumers 1,000 Respondents with personal monthly income over KRW 7 million
Power Bloggers 450 Power Blogger or Techie User
Retail Establishments 7,500 stores Selling beer, soju, beverages, or food supplies
Total 103,330 & 7,500 stores
Database: Hankook Research Panel
Hankook Research has Access Panel and Master Sample Panel that are representative of Korean consumers